Estate: Raise the Realm - Game Intro

It is a time of rebuilding after the Great War. Do you have what it takes?

In Estate, players take on the role of a Noble Leader of a Great House who is bequeathed an Estate post war. Each Leader begins the game with resources, a special ability, a unique build of construction(s) and/or citizen(s) cards within their Estate, a Family Secret objective, and workers prepared to rebuild.

A worker placement reconstruction challenge, players must use their workers wisely to optimize their Estate’s growth over the five Eras of game play. Workers can be used to play cards, gather resources, produce on cards, and draw new cards. As the Eras progress and your Estate grows, worker actions become more powerful.

The Estate with the most victory points at the end of Era five wins the game!

Game Overview

Estate is a medieval fantasy worker placement engine builder board game, where players take on the role of a noble house rebuilding their Estate.

Played over a series of five Eras (rounds), within each Era players take turns placing one worker at a time, proceeding clockwise. The Era ends when each player has used all available workers.

Gameplay takes ~60 mins for 4 players, making it a uniquely fast paced yet strategic engine builder. With over 50 unique Estate Cards and multiple variations in game setup, Estate was designed to have endless repeatability.

Era Start: At the start of each Era, an Era Event is revealed and its effect announced. Era Events have consequences that affect the game play for the duration of the Era and also introduce an Era Objective that players compete for, with awards for

  • 1st: 6 Victory Points

  • 2nd: 1 Card & 1 Resource

  • 3rd: 1 Resource.

There are 6 unique Noble Leaders that players can choose from. Each Leader has a narrative backstory, special ability, unique starting cards, and asymmetrical Estate Tracker.

During each Era, players take turns using their workers to take 1 of 4 actions within their Estate:

  1. Play an Estate Card: Play an Estate card for the resource cost located in the cards top left corner. When played, add a cube to the corresponding Estate tracker - Noble (Crown symbol), Production(Money Bag), or Commoner (Scythe Symbol).

  2. Draw Estate Cards: The player may draw from either the Market or the Estate deck at random. Once done, replenish the Market.

  3. Produce on Cards in Estate: Activate production cards within your Estate to take their effect and gain resources / cards / and more!

  4. Take an Era Action: Move your worker from the player mat to the game board to perform an available Era or Progress action.

Example Estate Cards

Game End Scoring: There are 7 ways to score victory points within Estate:

  1. Victory points of cards played

  2. Gold collected (1 point per gold)

  3. Tucked Cards (1 point per tucked card)

  4. Resources stored on top of cards (1 point per resource - note that resources in a player’s personal supply are not Victory Points)

  5. Era Event Objectives won

  6. Family Secret Objectives

  7. Completed Estate Tracker Rows (7 points per row)